Unlike many other open source build tools (for example, git) Maven does not provide any type of colorized output. Maven's excessive amount of output can be hard to read and you tend to get lost in the sea of text. My current client I've been given a Mac to use and quickly found out that the existing Linux scripts did not work with iTerm. My solution, take the existing Linux scripts and modify for the Mac OSX.
Since Maven does not have colorized output, the only option is to use "sed" (stream editor) that takes the output of maven, matches strings with regex and then adds in color codes. The terminal does not escape ansi colors during the stream editing phase. The solution is to use the "tput" command along with setab and setaf for the background and foreground respectively.
Example of ANSI colors
echo -e "\033[1;34RED TEXT\[0m"
Example of TPUT colors
echo -e "${`tput setaf 1`}RED TEXT${`tput sgr0`}"
The Script
#!/bin/sh # Written by Mike Ensor (mike@ensor.cc) # Copywrite 2012 # Use as needed, modify, have fun! # This is intended to be used for Maven3 + Mac OSX # # To use: # in your ".bashrc" or ".bash_profile" add the following line: # source ~/NOTE: This script is intended to be used with Green text on Black background. Adjust the colors as you want to come up with something more personal/colorize-maven.sh # #Predefine all variables c_black= c_cyan= c_magenta= c_red= c_white= c_green= c_yellow= c_blue= c_bg_black= c_bg_cyan= c_bg_magenta= c_bg_red= c_bg_white= c_bg_green= c_bg_yellow= c_bg_blue= c_end= c_bold= xterm_color() { # 0 Black # 1 Red # 2 Green # 3 Yellow # 4 Blue # 5 Magenta # 6 Cyan # 7 White # Yes, this could be a map c_bold=`tput setaf 0` c_bg_bold=`tput setab 0` c_black=`tput setab 0` c_bg_black=`tput setab 0` c_cyan=`tput setaf 6` c_bg_cyan=`tput setab 6` c_magenta=`tput setaf 5` c_bg_magenta=`tput setab 5` c_red=`tput setaf 1` c_bg_red=`tput setab 1` c_white=`tput setaf 7` c_bg_white=`tput setab 7` c_green=`tput setaf 2` c_bg_green=`tput setab 2` c_yellow=`tput setaf 3` c_bg_yellow=`tput setab 3` c_blue=`tput setaf 4` c_bg_blue=`tput setab 4` c_end=`tput sgr0` } #This is not used (yet) ansi_color() { c_bold= '[1m' c_blue= '[1;34m' c_black= '[1;30m' c_green= '[1;32m' c_magenta='[1;35m' c_red= '[1;31m' c_cyan= '[1;36m' c_end= '[0m' } color_maven() { # pick color type if [ $TERM = 'xterm-color' ] then xterm_color # elif [ $TERM = 'ansi' ] # then # ansi_color else echo "${c_red}WARNING:::Terminal '${TERM}' is not supported at this time. Colorized output will not happen for Maven${c_end}" fi error=${c_bold}${c_red} info=${c_white} warn=${c_yellow} success=${c_green} projectname=${c_bold}${c_cyan} skipped=${c_white} downloading=${c_magenta} $MAVEN_HOME/bin/mvn $* | sed -e "s/(\[INFO\]) Building( .*)/ ${info}\1${projectname}\2 ${c_end}/g" \ -e "s/(Time elapsed: )([0-9]+[.]*[0-9]*.sec)/${c_cyan}\1${c_white}\2${c_end}/g" \ -e "s/(Downloading: .*)/${downloading}\1${c_end}/g" \ -e "s/BUILD FAILURE/${error}BUILD FAILURE${c_end}/g" \ -e "s/WARNING: ([a-zA-Z0-9.-/\\ :]+)/${warn}WARNING: \1${c_end}/g" \ -e "s/SEVERE: (.+)/${c_white}${c_bg_red}SEVERE: \1${c_end}/g" \ -e "s/Caused by: (.+)/${c_white}${c_bg_green}Caused by: \1${c_end}/g" \ -e "s/Running (.+)/${c_green}Running \1${c_end}/g" \ -e "s/FAILURE (\[[0-9]+.[:0-9]+s\])/${error}FAILURE \1${c_end}/g" \ -e "s/SUCCESS (\[[0-9]+.[:0-9]+s\])/${success}SUCCESS \1${c_end}/g" \ -e "s/(\[INFO.*)/${info}\1${c_end}/g" \ -e "s/INFO: (.+)/${c_white}INFO: \1${c_end}/g" \ -e "s/(\[WARN.*)/${warn}\1${c_end}/g" \ -e "s/(\[ERROR.*)/${error}\1${c_end}/g" \ -e "s/(<<< FAILURE!)/${error}\1${c_end}/g" \ -e "s/Tests run: ([0-9]*), Failures: ([0-9]*), Errors: ([0-9]*), Skipped: ([0-9]*)/${c_green}Tests run: \1 ${c_end}, Failures: ${warn}\2 ${c_end}, Errors: ${error}\3 ${c_end}, Skipped: ${skipped}\4 ${c_end}/g" } alias mvn=color_maven
Download script from Github
Click here to view Gist on GithubHow to install/use
In your ".bashrc" or ".bash_profile" add the following line:
source ~/<path to script>/colorize-maven.sh