Maven and other build tools have provided developers a standardized tool and ecosystem in which to establish and communicate feedback. While unit tests, functional, build acceptance, database migration, performance testing and code analysis tools have become a mainstay in a development pipeline, benchmarking has largely remained outside of the process. This could be due to the lack of open sourced, low cost tooling or lightweight libraries that add minimal complexity.
The existing tools often compound complexity by requiring an outside tool to be integrated with the runtime artifact and the tests are not saved in the same source repository or even stored in a source repository. Local developers are unable to run the benchmarks without effort and therefore the tests lose their value quickly. Adding to the mainstream solution problems, benchmarking is not typically taught in classes and is often implemented without the necessary isolation required to gather credible results. This makes all blogs or posts about benchmark results a ripe target for trolls.
Introducing JHM
There are many strong choices when looking to benchmark Java based code, but most of them have drawbacks that include license fees, additional tooling, byte code manipulation and/or java agents, tests outlined using non-Java based code and highly complex configuration settings. I like to have tests as close to the code under test as possible to reduce brittleness, lower cohesion and reduce coupling. I consider most of the benchmarking solutions I have previously used to be too cumbersome to work with or the code to run the tests are either not isolated enough (literally integrated in the code) or contained in a secondary solution far from the source.The purpose of this blog is to demonstrate how to add a lightweight benchmarking tool to your build pipeline so I will not go into detail about how to use JMH, the following blogs are excellent sources to learn:
Benchmarking Modes
There are a small number of items I want to point out with respect to the modes and scoring as they play an important role in how the base configuration is setup. At a basic level, JMH has two main types of measure: throughput and time-based.Throughput Measuring
Throughput is the amount of operations that can be completed per the unit of time. JMH maintains a collection of successful and failed operations as the framework increases the amount of load on the test. Note: ensure the method or test is well isolated and dependencies like test object creation is done outside of the method or pre-test in a setup method. With Throughput, the higher the value, the better as it indicates that more operations can be run per unit-time.Time-Based Measuring
Adding JMH to a Java Project
Goal: This section will show how to create a repeatable harness that allows new tests to be added with minimal overhead or duplication of code. Note, the dependencies are in the "test" scope to avoid JMH being added to the final artifact. I have created a github repository that uses JMH while working on Protobuf alternative to REST for Microservices. The code can be found here: Start by adding the dependencies to the project:
2) JMH recommends that benchmark tests and the artifact be packaged in the same uber jar. There are several ways to implement an uber jar, explicitly using the "shade" plugin for maven or implicitly using Spring Boot, Dropwizard or some framework with similar results. For the purposes of this blog post, I have used a Spring Boot application.
3) Add a test harness with a main entry class and global configuration. In this step, create an entry point in the test area of your project (indicated with #1). The intention is to avoid having benchmarking code being packaged with the main artifact.
3.1) Add the BenchmarkBase file (indicated above #2). This file will serve as the entry point for the benchmark tests and contain all of the global configuration for the tests. The class I have written looks for a "" file containing configuration properties (indicated above in #3). JMH has an option to output file results and this configuration is setup for JSON. The results are used in conjunction with your continuous integration tool and can (should) be stored for historical usage.
This code segment is the base harness and entry point into the Benchmark process run by Maven (setup in step #5 below) At this point, the project should be able to run a benchmark test, so let's add a test case.
4) Create a Class to benchmark an operation. Keep in mind, benchmark tests will run against the entirety of the method body, this includes logging, file reading, external resources, etc. Be aware of what you want to benchmark and reduce or remove dependencies in order to isolate your subject code to ensure higher confidence in results. In this example, the configuration setup during
Caption: This gist is a sample benchmark test case extracted from Protobuf Serialization
All of your *Benchmark*.java test classes will now run when you execute the test jar, but this is often not ideal as the process is not segregated and having some control over when and how the benchmarks are run is important to keeping build times down. Let's build a Maven profile to control when the benchmarks are run and potentially start the application. Note, for the purposes of showing that maven integration tests start/stop the server, I have included this in the blog post. I would caution the need to start or stop the application server as you might be incurring the costs of resource fetching (REST calls) which would not be very isolated.
5) The concept is to create a maven profile to run all of the benchmark tests in isolation (ie. no unit or functional tests). This will allow the benchmark tests to be run in parallel with the rest of the build pipeline. Note that the code uses the "exec" plugin and runs the uber jar looking for the full classpath path to the main class. Additionally, the executable scope is only limited to the "test" sources to avoid putting benchmark code into final artifacts.
This code segment shows an example maven profile to run just the Benchmark tests
6) Last, optional item is to create a runnable build step in your Continuous Integration build pipeline. In order to run your benchmark tests in isolation, you or your CI can run: